The route

The map shows the route: a series of mountainous tracks, starting in the North-East in Saverne near Strassbourg. It goes from Vosges to Burgundy and Massif Central, and further to the Pyrenees.

We cross the Pyrenees from West to East, heading to the Alps through the Cevennes. After the Alps we pass the Jura and once more the Vosges, finishing in Saverne again.

The steepness of cols is varying. Most major cols are between 7 and 12% steep, but there are a few steeper climbs such as Marie Blanque, Menté, Portet d'Aspet, Peguère, Solpérière, Ventoux, Buis, and Grand Colombier.


The road book is compact, loose-leafed, descriptive and gives a wealth of information. A height profile is included in the package. The best way to follow the route is to buy the well-known Michelin maps (1:200 000 or 1:150.000). If you don't want to take a full backpack with all these maps, we recommend to make a smaller copy, draw the route and cut it into pieces. You may also want to buy the Michelin atlas and cut out the required pages or pieces.
The track is updated at least every two years. The most recent updates are listed on the page Changes.